Friday, January 2, 2009

Mr President

I have a secret I've been hiding, you want to know what it is?......I have a little crush on President Barack Obama. Nothing sexual, so get your minds out the gutter lol. Now don't get me wrong President Obama is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous! but what I'm attracted to with our new president is that he is soooo freaking Smart, in fact he's so smart that he makes his predecessor and former running mate look dumb(for lack of a better word). He is charismatic. a great orator and he is such an out of the box thinker. I LOVE IT! I told you guys I love a smart and intelligent man.....that to me is sexy. This is the first time I have gotten into the political process and also the first time I feel safe in my country of birth. I think I have brought every news paper clipping and magazine, in an effort to capture this historic event. I have two son's that will grow up and I want them to have this piece of history, that they can pass down to their children. I want them to also know that the only limitations are those we place on our selves.

I hate the fact that people have judged him and spoke unpatriotically against him before he has even taken office. It's not that people aren't ready for change, it's I believe that they are afraid of change. But my friends change is GOOD. If your not able to get past his brown skin, maybe the fact that he proceeded out of the womb of his white mother should bring you a little comfort. Just give him a chance let's lift up the arms of our newly elected leader because "United we stand...Divided we fall"....The sky is truly the limit.


Besos xoxo

Sexii Mami

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