Monday, January 21, 2008


My heart and my head are torn... I am in love with someone that I know in my head I should'nt be, but in my heart it just feels soo right. This is a real struggle for me. I am trying so hard to pull away and move on but my love and intense desire for this person proves to be too overwhelming. Sometimes I feel guilty for loving them. I have never felt this way about anyone. I will go a day sometimes even two without talking to them on the phone or texting and just when I think I may finally be able to move on They call me or text me and I am right back on the emotional rollercoaster again.

To be honest I don't trust myself to be alone with them. As much as I may want to fight it, i know I will give in to my extreme desire for them and take a journey to the point of no return. My only fear with that is connecting on that level will cause me to fall deeper and harder then I already have. I fear I may end up wanting more then what they are able to offer right now. So with that being said what do I do? Do I throw caution to the wind and what ever will be will be? or do I walk away broken hoping that one day my love for this person will fade like a sunset. So here I sit in emotional limbo......

Sexii Mami

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