Monday, January 21, 2008

Just needed to Exhale

I've been a little concerned....well ALOT concern about a friend who is near and dear to my heart. My friend experienced two deaths within the last week and half. When my friend first told me my heart literally broke into tiny pieces. You see when you truely care deeply about someone, when they hurt, you hurt. They "say" their ok, I want to believe it but.....I don't know. You see my friend is a little on the macho side which is one of the qualities I love about them. I have done all I can do from where I sit and as their friend, although I would Love and wish I could do more. I guess all I can do is to continue to encourage, and love them unconditionally. I have decided to pull back an allow them their space to grieve, but its just sooo darn hard because this person has truely stolen my heart.

The fact that my friend has stolen my heart scares me more than I can even express. All I can do is hope and pray that they guard my heart and promise never to intentionally break it. I know I must sound like i'm rambling, and I guess thats because my thoughts are all over the place and I am just basically bloggling as sort of a sounding board. Am I crazy??

Sexii Mami

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