Monday, January 21, 2008


nos·tal·gi·a (n,,-st,,l'j?, n?-) Pronunciation Key n. A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past

I got into contact with someone I really care about, we dated about 9 years ago.
Ever have that someone who you had a connection with so deep and on so many levels? Well that is the case here. When we spoke after so long It was almost like the last 9 years never existed. The connection is still their.It is soo wierd because when we speak my heart starts beating fast and I feel heat literally flow from the crown of my head to my feet. If i'm hungry suddenly my hunger gets replaced with such a rush of excitment sorta like when you meet someone you like for the first time. I can't begin to predict the furture, all I know is now that we have made contact I want him in my life forever in what ever capacity is ment to be.


sexii Mami

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